Our grandfather Martinho, a farmer from Mogofores, produced red wine back in the early 1920’s. He was amongst this rare group of growers who would separate white from black grapes, producing a beautiful and renowned white wine. Both wines were sold in bulk to local merchants who would then bottle the wine.
Upon his decease in the late 1960’s, our father Manuel took charge of the entire exploitation modernizing and expanding the vineyards abandoning, nonetheless, the wine market-oriented production.
In mid 1990’s we started testing the varieties planted in that meantime (many of which first time attempts in this region). Decision was taken to resume market-oriented wine production and to raise a new cellar.
The first Campolargo wines resulted from 2000 crop, although the new cellar was only built in 2004.Nowadays, the business lies in the hands of the third generation with Jorge Campolargo responsible for the vineyards and Carlos Campolargo heading the cellar and sales. Joana Campolargo impersonates the collaboration of the fourth generation ensuring administrative support and external relations.
Therefore, we wish to maintain our wine production an exclusively family-run business.